This weekend, we will celebrate the faithfulness of God. We will pause to thank God for all He has done and for all that He will do. Discover what we’re building towards and how you can partner with us to see God’s vision for His church accelerate.
Family, where do we start…
We are in awe of what Jesus is doing in our midst! Today, we THANK HIM for His great love, unrelenting faithfulness and mighty power that has made the impossible, possible.
With what started as a dream has now turned into reality and as we stand in our own home, we understand that this is nothing short of a miracle. We thank you for your continual generosity, faith, love and support–– what a miracle season!
As we gather on Thank You Sunday, we felt stirred by The Lord to do as the people of Israel did after they crossed over the Red Sea in Exodus 25–– to bring a “Thank You” offering unto Him in faith and obedience, responding to His faithfulness.
This year, we feel compelled to not attain for a specific offering amount but to rather invite you to pray and ask The Lord what your offering would be. As He said to Moses in Exodus 25:2, “You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.”
We believe that as we thank The Lord with this offering, it will be as the scriptures declare, “a sacrifice pleasing to God.” and that this offering would be a declaration and expression of our gratitude towards Him. As we give this offering, we also wanted to share the practicals around our offering and what it will go towards as we build our house over this coming year.
We thank God for what He has done and for all He will do!
With all our love,
Cody and Chantel Byrne
We want to be a generous church that are openhanded with our resources for the sake of the mission of God. We want to teach, practice and honour stewardship in whole-life discipleship.
As we continue to gather, we recognise that creating an atmosphere that is enjoyable, refreshing and safe is vital. That’s why we are planning to use 70% of the total offering to go towards installing cooling + heating to create an ideal and consistent atmosphere across all seasons.
Percent of total offering: 70%
The Little TRIBES + Creative Rooms Fund
These spaces are very important to us as they both are integral components of our home. A percentage of our offering will go towards furnishings, equipment, and other items that will enhance our Little Tribes’ environments and creative expression here at TRIBES.
Percent of total offering: 5%
The Staffing Fund
One of God’s promises is that He will build His Church (Matthew 16:18) and that is exactly what we are seeing Him do. Since our physical launch in March of 2021 we have seen our church grow to over 500 people, over 130 recorded decisions for Jesus, baptisms, 84 people serving on our volunteer team, 7 staff, 80 across 5 community groups and countless others seeing life change in Jesus Christ. It is so important to God and to us to effectively steward this undeniable move of His Spirit. This is why we want to sow into our current staff by expanding hours and pray into adding more staff positions.
Percent of total offering: 10%
The Expansion Fund
God birthed TRIBES in a living room and at our very core, we are a grassroots movement that desires to continually create space for God to move and change lives.The Lord has brought us to this land and we believe that within this property is room to grow. We desire to make more “room” for this city to continually encounter God day by day. This space will be a HUB for equipping and mobilising God’s people, creativity, outreach initiatives, youth programs and ministries, spiritual worship and formation, community gatherings, healing and transformation in Christ.
Within this property are many more “rooms” that we are praying into and in God’s timing and wisdom, will seek to expand into.
Percent of total offering: 5%
The Missions Fund
TRIBES is committed to being the Hands and Feet of Jesus and we diligently seek Him on what we can actively be a part of to bring the Good News of Jesus to.
To date, we have given just over $70,000 to local and international missions, church planting and other Kingdom endeavours and we are so excited to continue to act in obedience and generosity to Jesus.
We have the privilege of partnering financially with our dear friends Ordinary Hero, who are based in Uganda. They are actively building the local villages and communities with the love of Christ and our support has helped build homes for widows, a hospital waiting room, entrepreneurship, and providing meals for young children, amongst other things.
With this offering, we plan to send a percentage of our offering to support the building of a local school in the area and will pray into what other local missions we can give a financial gift to.
Percent of total offering: 10%
Account Name: Tribes Church Limited
Bank: CommonwealthBank
BSB: 066 128
Account Number: 1077 1533
Account Name: Tribes Church Limited
Bank: CommonwealthBank
BSB: 066 128
Account Number: 1077 1533
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This option is coming soon.
TRIBES is a Christian Church located in Perth, WA. We exist to host the presence of God and teach His Word, for transformation, growth and activation in Christ.
We gather every Sunday 9:00AM and 11:00AM
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