Our Values

Paul encourages us to be like-minded and one in spirit and purpose.

We are committed to developing and pursuing Kingdom values. The following core values define who we are and what we are committed to.

We love Jesus and abide in Him. We focus on being with God before doing for God.

We worship God in Spirit and Truth and follow Him wherever He may lead. We want to continually create space in all that we do to listen to, experience and obey the Holy Spirit.
Unashamedly, we build our lives on the Objective Truth of God’s Word. We do not water down, we do not compromise, and we aim to not be just hearers of the Word, but also doers.

Jesus has called His Church to make disciples, not converts. Throughout everything that we do, we are committed to seeing souls saved and disciples made.

Worship is more than a song, it’s more than a Sunday –– Worship is our life and we bow before God in humility, purity, Holy fear and reverence to give Him Glory in all that we do.

Since we have been shown such ridiculous generosity from God, it is our privilege to be generous with our time, talent, and treasure. We go above and beyond to sow into the transformational work of God.
We do not do anything without praying first. We are a people that believe that God hears and answers the prayers of His people, and we know that prayer is the power.
For God so loved the WORLD! We preach a Biblical reality that Jesus loves and died for the sins of every ethnicity, generation, background, and skin colour. We open our arms to serve and love all people.

Sunday Gatherings​

Join us to learn more about the beliefs, culture, family and get the chance to meet the leadership of our house.​

Our Beliefs​

We believe there is one living true God, eternally existing in triune: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory.​